She has delivered workshops and conference presentations about her therapeutic work and has had a number of journal publications. Personal Construct Theory This book provides a description of the change processes that occur in psychotherapy when it is viewed from a personal construct perspective.
Heather Moran is a clinical and educational psychologist with 40 years experience of working with children, adolescents, their parents and teachers. There are also explanations for six Personal Construct techniques which can be used in sessions, including two newly developed and previously unpublished techniques, The Belgrade Difficult Experience Comic Strip Technique and The Super Simple Role Grid.
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Personal construct therapy how to#
The book ends with some thoughts about how to write about the therapeutic work. A technique of psychotherapy based on the personal construct theory of the US psychologist George A(lexander) Kelly (190567) We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. There is an explanation of what happens at the start, middle and end of an episode of Personal Construct Therapy. Heather Moran draws attention to issues around referrals, setting up for therapy and measuring progress. This book includes details that are not available in other texts. It might also be a starting point for readers who are trying to find out about therapy styles and want to see what a PCP therapist might do. It will be most useful to professionals who already have some knowledge of Personal Construct Psychology and would like to know more about the practicalities of therapy. This is an introduction to using a Personal Construct Therapy approach with children and young people.