Overwatch heroes lore
Overwatch heroes lore

overwatch heroes lore

With last year's Uprising event, Blizzard told a simple story about Tracer on her first mission. It could've just been another repeat of last year's event-similar to what the studio did with last year’s Winter Wonderland and Summer Games events-but this time, Blizzard wanted to make something special.

overwatch heroes lore

Overwatch Archives: Retribution, this year's April event, tells another. Overwatch Uprising, a limited-time event from April 2017, was the first time that players got to experience a historical mission from Overwatch history first hand. For a game that touts its lush backstory, Blizzard has never integrated that into the game itself. They've never delved into the key element of why Overwatch the organization fell and why it's being reassembled in the present-day. They only focus on character moments or snippets from the past.


Players can see character details in brief dialogue between heroes or in sprays, or they can check out the separate comics and cinematic shorts, but they never tell the full story. Perhaps we’ll end up getting some more lore as a bonus.Overwatch Retribution Fills in the Gaps in the Game's Lore Overwatch Retribution Fills in the Gaps in the Game's Loreĭespite having an almost two year-long history, the lore of Overwatch has been kept at arm's length from the main game. We’re coming up on the next BlizzCon, where we’ll likely hear more about Overwatch chances are we’ll be getting a new cinematic and hero. Everyone hates Sombra, Tracer’s the best Girl Scout in the Overwatch universe, McCree and Pharah have a cute sibling-esque relationship, and Moira is the best villain in all of Overwatch and she is my wife. At this point, we’re just doing circles on information we already know. But in the meantime, I beg of you, Blizzard: lay off the lobby interactions. Listen, maybe there’s some kind of master plan I just don’t know about.

overwatch heroes lore

Searching was fantastic! I’d love to see more of Searching, or media like it, but we haven’t had a new Overwatch comic since the Winter Wonderland 2017 Yeti Hunt! It’s a weird approach, especially after the developers chose to follow up the “Infiltration” short with a comic, Searching. The entire approach ends up coming across as timid, like Blizzard is afraid of not just killing the goose that laid the golden egg, but like each golden egg must be cradled close to the chest. The content that we are seeing isn’t a victory lap it comes across as the developers preparing for a big story that is, as of yet, unrevealed. “ Shooting Star,” the latest D.Va cinematic, set up a lot of story that could potentially lead to a bigger world of Overwatch. The entire Overwatch story has become timid, and its hard to tell whats lead to the staggered release of content. and now we have a new bulk release of interactions, with tantalizing story seeds like Tracer feeling immense guilt over failing to save Mondatta. Months later, we have had no follow-up on that. That’s the start of a really juicy story, and one that could potentially connect Symmetra to the larger Overwatch cast. For instance, in the anniversary, we found out that Lucio’s father has a history with Vishkar and is the inventor of Lucio’s sonic technology.

  • Even the interactions that we know are canon aren’t enough to carry a story on.
  • Did that happen? Do the two men even know each other? Who knows!


    The game’s latest patch includes a really cute interaction where Genji reluctantly lets Lucio hook his music set-up to Genji’s ninja lights.

  • Some of these interactions aren’t even canon, they’re just an exploration of what characters would say to each other if they did meet.
  • overwatch heroes lore

    These are really cute, and getting a bunch of them in bulk can be full of tantalizing clues and hints on where the lore is heading! The problem with lore interactions is two-fold: When you load into a lobby in Overwatch, you get to hear hero interactions where the characters on your team riff back and forth.

    Overwatch heroes lore